Hi everyone, well I want to tell this so badly cause I hate lying to my best friends. As I may sound like an ass hole doing this, but not much people read my blog so I will just blog about it first.
Well as you can see, I'm in a relationship with a girl call Charmain. But the truth is, it's fault. Ya I know, why did I lie right? Well I'm kinda of bored and just playful so me and her plan to do this? I wanted to prank my friends and she wanted to prank she's too.
So it's kinda of weird at first but funny at most point. But I found out something, when I'm in a "relationship" now a lot weird shit happen. I know things that I didn't know at first, also feelings from other people. I don't if it's they just telling me or they do mean it when they know I'm gone.
Somehow things change, and tomorrow is 2011 and I just want to enjoy every moment I can. Also I want to have a great year next year, make new friends and all that stuff.
Alright I will end my post here, so ya I will tell my friends about this "relationship" on 2011, just hope they don't kill me! Well it's all for fun I guess and I know I'm an ass hole of cause. Also those who read this post now before I tell you about it, all I can say is you are dam lucky.
And now I quote "Liar liar pants on fire."
Friday, December 31, 2010
Show By Fuck The World \m/ No 4:05 PM 0 Comment or DIE!
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Dead By April
In my arms, you'll be fine, I never let go
All you've lost will come again, just stay here with me
Never look back, never again, it's over
Everything ends here in my arms
Show By Fuck The World \m/ No 3:51 PM 0 Comment or DIE!
Sunday, December 26, 2010
They The Best
Hi everyone, see the photo up there? Those are all my close friends who came to my house for christmas eve celebration. They are totally awesome and I do very much enjoy my times with them.
No matter what happen next year, I promise that I will be there for them and try meet up with them if I'm able to. They rock my life to the max and always make my laugh! I do hope they enjoy the christmas eve celebration cause this is the first time that I'm hosting this type of event.
I'm planning new year eve celebration with some of my friends, and I hope everyone that were in the christmas eve celebration will turn up. I want to take more photos with them and keep all those happy moment with them. They make me smile, like me know that having friends is better than being alone.
I love them to the max, well not in a gay way of cause. I had a burst on christmas eve and I hope I will have a burst too on new year eve with them. Their friendship are much more better than Santa's present to me.
And now I quote "A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words."
Show By Fuck The World \m/ No 2:57 AM 0 Comment or DIE!
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Hi guys, today I won't be blogging but just post something random cause not much people know about this. You see the poster up there? Ya the Tron movie that most people thought is a new movie but did you know that this is a sequel to a movie in 1982 which is called Tron
Yes and this is the first Tron movie poster, looks alike don't it? It's because they are related!
Here's the first movie, watch it part by part on Youtube, you will understand more of it when you watch the Tron that is showing now.
Both movie were great and of cause the first movie look like shit but hey just watch it then watch the Tron that is showing know, its worth it.
Show By Fuck The World \m/ No 2:00 AM 0 Comment or DIE!
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Joy From Them
Hello guys! I got my N level result! Well maybe it didn't really turn out as what I wanted but hey, at least I still can get to study right? Well what I'm gonna post today is kinda of sad for me. You see that photo up there?
Well those are the people who bring joy into my life. I may not know all of them for many years but they make me happy and I enjoy my time with them. It's hard to say goodbye to them! When I retain sec3 last year, I thought I won't be able to make much friends, but I was wrong! I did! And I make more than just a handful!
I miss how we make noise in the class like crazy or just joke around with each other. Also those times we talk back to teachers! Well that's not a good thing to do but hey I did enjoy! And I will also like to thanks to all those teachers who helped us!
So no matter what the future is or what is ahead of all of us, I just wish you guys good luck! No matter what don't ever give up! Hey when you guys need me I will be there! I love you guys!
And now I quote "If all my friends were to jump off a bridge, I wouldn't jump with them, I'd be at the bottom to catch them."
Show By Fuck The World \m/ No 2:23 AM 0 Comment or DIE!
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Paper Heart
Hey guys, today I won't be blogging much but just to post about something. This is me and this is my feelings to you. It hurts real bad for me to tell you to last long, I may act like nothing happen to me. But inside it's killing me.
For you, I give up talking to you so you and your stead won't fight and you won't break up. I love you that's why I do that, giving you happiness in exchange for my broken heart. And I truly mean it when I told you to last long, cause you love him and that's you happy ending.
You and him have my blessing even if it hurts me to do that. I promise I will be there. I'm happy for you cause you are happy with him, and if he ever mistreat you once tell me! Cause I swear to god I will take you away from him cause a girl like you is not worth to be treated that way.
Lastly, this hurts but ya last long and stay happy with him. And now I quote "Take a bow, fake a smile. I'm heartbroken, guess I will deal with it alone"
Show By Fuck The World \m/ No 9:26 PM 0 Comment or DIE!
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Go Radio - Goodnight Moon
And dont go to bed yet love, I think its too early
And we just need a little time to ourselves
If my wall clock tells me that it's 4 in the morning I'll give it hell
Cause Ive been trying way too long
To try and be the perfect song
When our hearts are heavy burdens
We shouldnt have to bear alone
So goodnight moon and goodnight you
When youre all that I think about
All that I dream about
Howd I ever breathe without
A goodnight kiss from goodnight you
The kind of hope they all talk about
The kind of feeling we sing about
Sit in our bedroom and read aloud
Like a passage from goodnight moon
And sing for me softly love your song for tomorrow
And tell my names the one thats hidden in there somewhere
And dream for me anything
But dream it in color about when all the suns still rising and we dont care
Cause Ive been trying way too long
To try and be the perfect song
When our hearts are heavy burdens
We shouldnt have to bear alone
So goodnight moon and goodnight you
When youre all that I think about
All that I dream about
Howd I ever breathe without
A goodnight kiss from goodnight you
The kind of hope they all talk about
The kind of feeling we sing about
Sit in our bedroom and read aloud
Like a passage from goodnight moon
From goodnight moon
And there you were
As I saw my Juliet come graceful down the stairs
It's hard to miss the way her eyes light up the room and steal the air
Just feel her lips lock on to every breath I take, cant breath it in
Do you feel us falling? Cause I feel us falling.
So goodnight moon and goodnight you
When youre all that I think about
All that I dream about
Howd I ever breathe without
A goodnight kiss from goodnight you
The kind of hope they all talk about
The kind of feeling we sing about
Sit in our bedroom and read aloud
Like a passage from goodnight moon (whoa)
Oh goodnight moon (whoa-oh-oh)
And there you were
I saw my Juliet come graceful down the stairs
It's hard to miss the way her eyes light up the room and steal the air
Do you feel us falling? Cause I can feel us falling.
Do you feel us falling? Cause I can feel us falling.
Do you feel us falling? Cause I can feel us falling.
Do you feel us falling? Cause I can feel us falling.
Do you feel us falling? Cause I can feel us falling.
Do you feel us falling? Cause I can feel us falling.
Do you feel us falling? Cause I can feel us falling.
End of the song, I love this song now, it's so sweet and so meaningful. This song make me remember all my past relationships and those girls that they and me almost together also those who broke my heart. Everything sweet have a ending, just hope one day there will be a happy ending for me. So this is my new blog song, love it and enjoy it.
And now I quote "I won't give my heart to anyone. But if you are brave enough, you can try to steal it."
Show By Fuck The World \m/ No 2:11 AM 0 Comment or DIE!
Sunday, December 12, 2010
They Keep Me Going
Hello everyone, yes see that photo? That's the friends that play a big part in my life. There is more but I don't have much photos I have with other friends. Those friends are important to me, they bring joy into my life. They make my life colourful, always make me happy.
I do enjoy my times with them, well a lot. But the thing is next year I don't where I will go and I will truly miss all of them. No matter what, I will try to make outing so all of us will meet up and update each other on our own life. I love all my friends to the max!
Result taking is next week and I think after that we won't be able to meet more? Don't know about that. For me now is to try to style my hair into emo, just wanna try out new stuff cause you never know what suit you if you don't try. And I'm totally into screamo now! How I wish I know how to do screamo! Maybe I should try self learning it, kinda of weird. I want to go out so badly and I want to do some shopping once I go out! Alright I will end my post here, will update when I can.
And now I quote "If loving you is wrong, then I don't wanna be right"
Show By Fuck The World \m/ No 6:03 PM 0 Comment or DIE!
Friday, December 10, 2010
Pointless Love
Hey everyone, just a quick update or an quick post? I don't know, well I'm sick! Yes I know, I'm sick again? Doctor said I catch a cold that's why I am having sore throat and running nose now. I just hope I can recover before next week.
If I'm not wrong next week we will get our result? I'm not sure but I think it is? Just hope I can get a good score for it. Have been staying at home almost 1 week! Well mostly is till to me being sick, can't blame anyone for that.
Christmas is coming soon! Can't wait for it! But the sad part is that 2010 is coming to a end, just hope next year will be a better year ahead. As for me now, my mind is okay now. Not gonna let love mess up my head, I got my family and friends so no worry at all! I some how lost my trust in love? Still hard to say, oh to the hell with love.
I will miss my friends next year, and I promise myself to work harder next year no matter where I end up in. All the old times we had together, all the fun and crazy stuff we did, I'm gonna miss that and I won't forget about it.
And now I quote "Past is a good place to visit, but certainly not a good place to stay"
Show By Fuck The World \m/ No 9:23 PM 0 Comment or DIE!
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Not The Same
Not everyone have a perfect family, a perfect home, a perfect parents, a perfect life you guys. Just because you don't walk with my shoes don't mean you know me.So here's my story. My life ain't that colourful, just as I thought I got my friends there for me. Well guess I'm wrong, guess there's no one to trust anymore not my family and not my friends.
Fuck God for what it happen just now. You don't know the real me, so just shut the fuck up and fuck off. Just because your wire went wrong but that don't give to the rights to fucking hit my back with a chair. You know what, I will move away when I have a chance and won't even call you what I always called you. And I promise I will never ever go to your funeral, also you will never ever see grandkids. I put on a mask everyday so fuck this shit, friends don't exist I guess they don't care and parent? Well they are enemy now, no matter what there's always a hate in me know one understand.
And now I quote "Fuck you -'-"
Show By Fuck The World \m/ No 2:28 AM 0 Comment or DIE!
Monday, December 6, 2010
Hello World, Can You Hear My Voice?
Hello everyone! Ya I know it's long since I blog, just to keep my blog alive so I'm here to blog about something well anything I guess to be random. Very fast it's gonna be end of year and I'm getting my result soon. Still thinking which causes I should get but on the other hand if I can make it will I go sec5 or go ITE higher nitec. I just don't know what to do at this point of time.
I will truly miss all my friends no matter what. Maybe on the day where I get my result I should take photos with all my classmate. Just hope everything go well and also hope I don't cry. Okay that's kinda of gay, lately I have been staying at home more than going. Still not that use to it, but at least I have friends to text with, but I want her to reply my text!
On my love life, I don't know how to say about it but I'm trying, just hope she will reply my text. Don't why but today a lot guys add me in Facebook! What the hell! I think is mostly till to my new profile photo? Totally look like a butch.
Well that's all the things I want to blog about now, oh and I want many outing with my friends! And now I quote "The scariest part in being loved by someone is the uncertainty that they may stop any time."
Show By Fuck The World \m/ No 11:05 PM 0 Comment or DIE!
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
The Time Is Now
Hi everyone, this is for those who is a big fan of the game or have a psp.
Ladies & Gentlemen, I come here with a news. A news that make all nerds in the world cum on their pants... THE RELEASE MONSTER HUNTER PORTABLE 3RD!!!
Show By Fuck The World \m/ No 12:15 AM 0 Comment or DIE!
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Dumb thinking, dumb thought
Hey everyone! Ya I know it's been long since I blogged. Okay the reason is very sample, I'm sick! Yes I'm still sick now but just to keep my blog alive I will just post something.
I got food poisoning! Yes and it's about 2 weeks already yet I'm only feeling a little bit better. Well just hope I can recover fast and soon! And guess what?! I finally got my Skullcandy G.I headphone! Gosh I'm so happy! Alright gonna end my post here I guess. And now I quote "It's better to lose time with your friends than to lose them within time."
Oh ya, you know what? You just think too much, how many times must I tell you that I don't like her and I just treat her as a sister? You just think and worry too much, if you are that afraid that one day me and her will be together? Well you are totally wrong! First you got to get you thinking right, I will never ever like her! Still worry then tell her you freaking! Don't blame me for anything cause you are the one keeping you mouth shut! And if you are unhappy with me just tell me, I'm sure we can talk it out. You know what, she told me a lot about you and I wanted to tell you but since you are like that so I guess no point helping you to win her.
Show By Fuck The World \m/ No 6:58 PM 0 Comment or DIE!
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Drunk Over Love
Hey guys! Finally, it's another update on my freaking blog! And yes that photo you are seeing now is from my prom night! Which I enjoy a lot! But too bad that I sprained my freaking ankle which hurt like a bitch now! But in the end, I still have all my friends around me and I really had fun last night.
I love it when it turn into clubbing at the end of the prom and everyone just start dancing like crazy. I did try to join everyone but till to my ankle, I can't do a shit but stand and watch everyone. But lucky Millie let me play with her DSLR which her rent and also what I enjoy! Took a lot photos, well not me alright!
Today, was going to meet Kevin & co for his belated birthday but till to my ankle I can't make it. Really wish I was there, dam I'm a clumsy ass. Oh ya one more thing, guess what?! I know her answer already, she say her feeling is just friends and tell me to give up? Well I don't know what to do anymore, just gonna like time pass by I guess? Last update, I love to say this word "Buttslut" I don't know how I come out with it but I like calling people Buttslut! Gosh I don't know what happen to me. Did I change? Well I don't know really. Okay guess I will end my post here, love you guys!
And now I quote "This is goodbye since I'm nothing in your eyes"
Show By Fuck The World \m/ No 10:32 PM 0 Comment or DIE!
Saturday, November 13, 2010
I'm a fool with dreams
Hi guys and girls! Yes I'm back from where from MIA, I think a lot and did a lot when I'm MIA. Well not really gonna blog much today I guess? Just wanna make my blog alive, at least it's better than being dead?
Well prom night is just 3 more day! Hope everything go as planned and not mess up? They change the theme and I end up re-buying my outfit for prom which suck to the max! Oh well I already got it so no point complaining I guess?
Life is great for me somehow? It's weird but I'm starting to like the new me slowly? Oh ya just a quick update about me, I call guys dude now and I call girls babe. So ya get over it alright?
And of course, how can I left out my love life! Well I don't know who will read about my love life, but I just wanna say it out than just keeping inside. And yes, I do have feeling for her but I don't know if she feel the same way too. I do think about her 24/7 but I don't know if she do the same too. Just take things slowly? Well to tell the truth, I already know the ending, okay maybe not I know but I feel? I feel that she and me won't have a happy ending? Just keep having the feeling I won't get her. I really wish she will tell me if I stand a chance or not. But I can't rush everything I guess, just take things slow and see how it go.
Yes, I'm a fool with dreams and that dream is that I hope can get her which will never come truth. Okay I'm thinking at the wrong side of the road now. And now I quote "I swear that I will be all you need, don't give up on me"
Show By Fuck The World \m/ No 7:56 PM 0 Comment or DIE!
Monday, November 8, 2010
I've Always Been Your Favorite Game
Hey, what sup guys and girls? Well not gonna blog today, just wanna tell you all something. You see, I'm sick and tired of this world, so I'm gonna take a break from this. Away from money, away from love. Just wanna take a rest and slow down my foot step and try not to update myself with the world.
Not everything in this world is what you want and what you need, so love me for who I am not what I should become. I'm slowing down now, no longer that hardcore, wild me no more. Just a guy trying to do what's best for him and trying to enjoy every moment he can. Of course something happen that make me wanna do do this.
So I'm going to MIA now till friday, anything just text or call me. If you are lucky then I will reply, if not then it's too bad I guess. I don't know how to say this but I hate being someone that I'm not just so you can have it your way.
And now I quote "Open your eyes and see what it means to feel compassion and live in love". So ya I'm gone for now I guess. Bye
Show By Fuck The World \m/ No 9:12 PM 0 Comment or DIE!
Sunday, November 7, 2010
My Life Ain't That Colourful
My life ain't that colourful. It's full of this thing call "Love". I have the feeling that I don't even stand a chance, don't even suit her and yes the last thing is that I feel that there's someone better for her.
I know it's rare for me to be in my downfall with "Love", it really got the best of me. My friends keep telling me that I stand a chance and I can get her, but I just don't think I stand a chance at all, I don't know how much longer I can do this. "Love" really hit me kinda of hard this time, really suck to the max. "Love" suck big time.
And now I quote "When we're young we're so naive. It never ends unless you seek the beauty hidden underneath."
Show By Fuck The World \m/ No 1:04 AM 0 Comment or DIE!
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
My Smile Just Disappear
Hey, how's it's going? Well I won't be blogging about m daily life again. Guess I just feel that my life is just an another boring story.
I'm a mess now, I just really hope I know the answer if we will be together or not! I know it take times but time is killing me! Lately I'm losing everything, my smile, my hope and my mind. Back to the "EMO" me now, just hope this "EMO" me won't stay for long.
My feeling are truth, my love is real. I sometime ask myself that do I have a chance? But my mind, heart and feeling tells me that I don't. I guess it's weird for me to blog about love. I will stop here for now, I really need some help or someone to talk to now. Guess not?
And now I quote "If only you know"
Show By Fuck The World \m/ No 8:15 PM 0 Comment or DIE!
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Ride the wind
Hi, what's sup with your life lately? I'm fine, well I guess I am? Still looking for jobs which is a pain in the ass! Been going out for like 3 god dam weeks already! Really need to find a job now! I'm jobless! Which is what I'm worry about now! Okay, another thing that I'm worry about, is LOVE! Well let's just say I'm in love with someone now okay? But I got a feeling that, there's no happy ending or happy ever after for us
I'm kinda back to my "EMO" self again! Which is a part of me that I hate the most! Look at my FaceBook status now! It's always "EMO"! Guess this love really got the best of me?! Well my life is now a black and white mess! I'm picking up and cleaning up all the mistake that I did, all the mess that I created! This really suck, you know that?
Okay, let's stop talking about love now alright? On my friends side is great, well I guess it okay too? Only thing is that I learn that friends who choose side are really big ass hole! They are friends that you should not keep! Trust me, I see the world from an outsider view!
Family is alright and I love my parent till the very end, is truth that sometime we do dislike what each other do something but hey, you can't change which family you are in right? Recently my dad said I grow up, he said that I understand the world better, no longer that small kid that is anti social anymore! That really make my day when my dad told me that but in the end he scolded me for keep going home late and keep on using the computer till late at night. But still I love my parent!
Oh! Just an add on, for those who really know me will know that I'm a Satanism. Well I promise her that if we are together I will give up as a Satanism, which is a big step for me cause I always believe in Satan. Some of my friends ask me why I will do that for a girl, well it's all about love. Love can change a man and love can also kill a man, that's all I can say. Hey that could be a quote! Alright! I did it again! Okay I will end my post here, hope you guys enjoy your day, everyday!
And now I quote "Less Emo & more Rock N Roll"
Show By Fuck The World \m/ No 3:35 AM 0 Comment or DIE!
Monday, October 25, 2010
Life as we know it
What sup guys and girls! I'm here to blog again, going back to the blogging days I guess. So what have you guys been doing? My life is turning great bit by bit, enjoying my times I have with my family and friends. My love life is great sometimes but not so sweet most of the time I guess.
Still the same, looking for jobs like a child lost in a mall looking for his parent. Well just hope I can find a job so I can work for my dream goal, a DSLR. Really need the money now, I'm broke like it's the end of the world.
On another news, one of my best friend, Kevin Low is in a relationship. I feel happy for him and also wish him my best. Hope he can last long and stop being late! Okay, guess I'm going to stop here? I really love my friends now, enjoy my life like 3 year old enjoying his lolipop.
And now I quote "You don't need me when you have them, I can see I'm not needed anymore. I'm backing out now"
Show By Fuck The World \m/ No 1:04 AM 0 Comment or DIE!
Friday, October 22, 2010
Walking this road with my new shoe, new life
Hey, hi, what's up! Ya I know it's been long since I post about something! I'm sorry! Well my life after N level was great, enjoying my holidays now with my friends. That's what I love most. I dye my hair, got me new shirts and pants also things that I need for my prom night.
A new life start now for me and I won't go back to the past. I changed so I think most of you guys should too. Well I will try my very best to update my blog! And yes, it won't end up as a dead blog!
And now I quote "So much of everything, you say hello and I say goodbye"
Show By Fuck The World \m/ No 3:03 AM 0 Comment or DIE!
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Dear School
Dear Bukit Merah Secondary School, thank you for all your "care" for this past few 5years. And after next week Monday, I'm no longer a student of this school. I will miss all the fun times that I had and all the down fall I get in this school. Thanks to all the teachers that wasted their time on me. Thanks for letting me have the chances to make news friends and see new faces, and no matter what the out come are, I hope my friends get the result they want. Sad to say that we can never go back to redo our mistake, like for mine is my result on 2008 so I won't retain.
But hey, I never regret about what I did. I enjoy my times I had with my friends in school, from secondary one till now. But I will like to say sorry to all those friends that I lost and all those teachers that I "bully" and "hurt". I did learn many things in school. And know what I'm good at or what I'm not.
I know this is a short post and it may not mean much but I'm really greatful for all the time I had, well most of the time I guess?
And now I quote "As we grew up and left our school, we will look back with a smile and tell ourselves that, the person used to be us."
Show By Fuck The World \m/ No 1:27 AM 0 Comment or DIE!
Friday, September 24, 2010
Hey today I’m going to blog about something off topic again, just like my past post about “Growing Up”. So have you ever wonder what’s life like on the other side of the world? How do people live there or how they survived in their life. I’m sure in part of our life, all of us wanted to be someone that we are not. Like someone popular, rich, good looking or even the opposite sex. But is that what we really want? Walking our road with someone else’s shoe? Is that what we want?
Maybe being famous is most of everyone dream, but it’s not that easy. You have to fight for it, but is that what are you going to do? Sometime it’s not always that nice or wonderful as we think it is.
And now for me, I’m want to be my-self again. So now I no longer want to impress my friends no more nor will be making everyone around me happy. This is who I am now, not trying hard to be funny and not trying hard to give you see the best of me. Everything around me is changing for better or worse, I don’t really care anymore. Why not wear my shoe and walk your road, I’m sure it isn’t that awesome as you think it is.
My life is just like a roller coaster and there will always be up and down, but now I’m not going down anymore. Because my life is a rocket, it will keep on shooting up to the sky and it won’t fall back down. I’m aiming for the moon, and once I’m there I won’t be a rocket no more but I will be a star. A star that will shine and won’t fall as a shooting-star.
So what are you going to be? Yourself? Or someone that you are not? Well I found mine already and now it’s your turn.
And now I quote "One who knows nothing can understand nothing”
Show By Fuck The World \m/ No 12:20 PM 0 Comment or DIE!
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Bro before hoes?
Sup. I know it’s been long since I post something, what can I say? Life just sucks to the max as always. Well N level is just a few weeks ahead and I still hate the school. As each day go by, I realize that my life is kind of fuck up. Now I won’t be going back to the old me no more, won’t be the Raymond that will always try to impress his friends by making a fool out of him-self nor trying hard to make everyone happy. So to all you hater out there, you can fuck it! Don’t like what I am? Go fuck your-self! Stop your bull shit like you are someone awesome! Fuck this shit! It’s the new me and fuck, I won’t let you take me down again! Go fuck your-self and find someone else to fuck with!
Lately I get piss off easy I guess, oh and you guys know what do “Bros before hoes” means? Well let me explain to you, “Bros before hoes” means your own brother or best friends, close friends come before those girls like your female friends or your girlfriends! Well don’t be dumb and ask family member or wife count! Of cause not! I like my bros, all of them but starting to hate one of them. Want to know who? You just have to wait and see, because the movie is just about to start.
There’s a bro that play a big part of my life, the only one that understand me. We did many things together. We are just like real brother but from a different parent. But his not there to see me now anymore. I know he is at a better place, looking down at me. Just few weeks ago when I am in my down fall, he is in my dream. Call it crazy or what, but for someone that pass away and can come back to talk to you in the dream, that’s just crazy! But he really talk some shit into my head, his words make me fight again, make me believe again. Well and now I enjoy my times with my family, friends and my bros. But somehow one of them is just going to get some hate from me.
Hey, if in the near future I hurt you. Well I’m sorry because this is what you make me do, don’t blame me and complain like a bitch to everyone else. Oh and don’t pussy out alright?
Now this is my decision to change and man I ain’t going back no more! Well sorry for not updating my blog or blog about daily life. I guess I’m just too busy with life. Will update soon if I can, just hope everything turn out alright for now?
Not going to say my quote now, so just VAFFANCULO!
Show By Fuck The World \m/ No 7:06 PM 0 Comment or DIE!
Sunday, September 12, 2010
On Top Of The Game
Hello, there's another blog post. Okay I will blog about my daily life this time, yesterday I meet Seng Jie at vivo and walk around there, eat and slack. We when to watch Resident Evil: Afterlife. The movie was okay, not really that nice if you want to put the story line it in. That movie make guys look like pussy and make those girls in it, are freaking hot!
After that we when to Tea Garden's Mcdonalds to meet up with Darryl, Millie first. We are going to study and ton at the same time. Well I woke up at 6am and if I ton till 6am plus, I will be not sleeping for 24 hours. Millie was doing her history and Darryl doing his maths, me well just say I don't have the mood at all! So I end up never study! Kevin meet us with is laptop and all of us just talk and joke there. Kinda of fun, really you guys should try it. Seng Jie and me took turn to use Kevin's laptop too. I was playing Left 4 dead 2 like a kid!
Enjoy my time with them, hope we can do this more! Well hope with more people if we can? Planning for K-box with Millie, going to call Darryl, Seng Jie and Kevin! Boy will enjoy my-self if that happen!
Maybe meeting her the week after next week, hope really I can meet her? Well just hope everything go well for me and her. This love is crazy.
And now I quote "We can never go back to the past, but we can write the future"
Show By Fuck The World \m/ No 8:07 PM 0 Comment or DIE!
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Do You Remember?
See that picture? I bet you don't know what the hell is that do you? Can't blame you, not much people know that, feel free to ask Darryl or Seng Jie, I'm sure they know what "PrankSG" is. We were young at that time, so many crazy ass shit we did together. Looking at the secondary 4 now, somehow make me remember those time I used to had when at was in PrankSG. But happy things never last long, sad to say PrankSG is no more, it is no longer there. Disband is what became the ending of PrankSG, I did not delete the PrankSG blog, why? Cause those are time I enjoy, the lost memory that we used to had.
Don't why be I only have the small photo for this
Now all of us have our own road to go, no longer us but ourself. No longer together but on our own. Time pass so far, what used to be now became the past. Looking at those photos all of us took together give me a warm feeling, I miss the past and I too enjoy now. Just hope we can still be like this always. Sorry for not blogging about my daily life but I just want to get something out
At least this is big
And now I quote "This road is yours, so are you a going to walk and make no mistake? Or run to have full of regrets?"
Show By Fuck The World \m/ No 11:20 PM 0 Comment or DIE!
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Point of No Return
This is the point from which I could never return
And if I back down now then forever I burn
This is the point from which I could never retreat
Cause If I turn back now there can never be peace
This is the point from which I will die and succeed
Living the struggle, I know I'm alive when I bleed
From now on it can never be the same as before
Cause the place I'm from doesn't exist anymore
Show By Fuck The World \m/ No 7:37 PM 0 Comment or DIE!
Friday, September 3, 2010
Growing Up
Hey can you grow up?! Ever heard that before? I sure have. Today I'm not really going to blog about my daily life but something I feel like just saying it out. And today's topic is "Growing Up". So what is growing up to you guys? Stop playing all those toys and be more adult like? Well I don't think anyone can grow up. No matter what you say like you are not a kid anymore and you had grow up but I'm sure that somewhere in you there's a kid living inside, playful and joyful.
Yes it's truth that each and everyone of us will grow up but still it can't change the kid inside us. I'm sure that there's is time where you wish you could just play and be carefree again. It's kinda of weird right? When you are young you keep hoping to grow up fast but once you get older you somehow wish to be young again. Look at the kids nowadays, look at what they wear,look at what food their parent feed them, look at those awesome toys they had. Kids life is getting more and more better but will they be able to have the mind set of becoming an adult? Who knows, I sure don't. Kids nowadays are living in good life, unlike us. We are not born with a silver spoon. Our family ain't that rich to buy what we need. But we learn from every little things in life.
So what if we are poor, as long as we can live our life happy as a family and that's all that matter. Even there's not video games or nice toys for us but we still able to find fun within each other. Look at the kids now, will they be able to do that? Guess not, video games is all they need. Well let's not talk about them already. So when is the last time you enjoy yourself? Not long ago? Just now? Last week? Look around you, there is always things you can do to enjoy yourself but all you need is just have an open mind set, that's all it's just that simple.
When you are young had you ever think what is it like to be in love? I did and boy I learn it the hard way. 5 relationship and yet all ended just like a blink of an eyes. May be they are not the right one? But hey, we are still young and the night are still long. If you dare to love then you must dare to let go, that's what I learn. Well now I got one, just hope I will be able to be with that close to her as must as I can before it all turn to dust and our fire burn out. Love is simple but deadly.
Have you ever watch the TV when you are kid and saw those people in the TV drinking beer or smoking and hope you are like them once you grow up? I had, since young I thought is was "cool" to do those but it's not really how I think it was after I got to do all of them. Drinking is still what I like most, not beer but wine. I know that I sound a little old talking about this but I enjoy to go to pub and listen to jazz music and drink my wine at the same time, it's something that I like and enjoy. As for smoking? Let's just say it's a close so far, never know when or where.
As we grow up, we make friends, good and bad. We choose to be with our friends, cause being with them make you relax that's what all friends are about not being in an awkward moment with each other. Sure sometime they did things that just make you piss off the hell out of you but somehow we are able to find ways for us to talk back and all.
Family and friends play a big part in of life when growing up, you learn things from them, slowly changing yourself. And me? I'm trying to change to, ya I know I sounded silly but I will try my best. Okay, I will end my post here, it's kinda of weird for me to blog about this type of things but sometime I enjoy posting those. So if you guys like it, maybe I will do more of this type of post. Somehow I sounded like an old guy!
And now I quote "This is your life, this is your fight. So when are you going to live your life?"
Show By Fuck The World \m/ No 8:00 PM 0 Comment or DIE!
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Going Through Changes
Hello, sorry never really able to blog this past few days? But hey I'm here now blogging. It's been a long long time and a long long way to be in the place I am. I did many sins full things that I'm not proud of but I have choose this road so I guess there's no turning back. Today is a weird thing, I was studying and eating at the same time alone! Ya I know I hate to be alone but I'm starting to like it, it's not that I hate people around me but I find alone time not bad? Listening to my music, eating the foods I like also study at the same time? Going out again in the afternoon, meeting Jin Long and to some crazy aass shit. Life still must go on for me, I need to change some part of me?
I need to change some part for my-self, study hard. Gonna stop playing. Kinda of getting so easy to be piss off lately, don't what the hell is wrong with me.I'm not your boy-toy nor his replacement, we have see through your lies. That's the last note you have from me.
And now I quote "To the world you may be one person. But to a person, you may be the world"
Remember to watch this video, it's an awesome song. I love olive you girl :D
Show By Fuck The World \m/ No 1:45 AM 0 Comment or DIE!
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Hey, Hi, Hello & Bye
Hey hello! Ya I know it's been so long since I have blog about what's going on with my life. Well kinda of busy lately, I guess? N level is just about a week more, going to stop playing and start studying. Just gonna blog a short post to keep my blog alive so it won't die like how it used to be. Crazy stuff had happen lately, kinda of enjoy it. Some of you may know what I mean, going to end my post here maybe I will blog tomorrow? Well hope I will have the time. Plus! Is so weird to blog without any music playing into my ears~~~
And now I quote "No one's asking you to win, just don't quit"
Show By Fuck The World \m/ No 11:06 PM 0 Comment or DIE!
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Life Like The Same
Hello! It's been long since I had blog. Well my prelim is fuck up as always. School still suck to the max and I will really hope school end sooner. Family and friends are still okay. Did a lot things this past few days like Darryl birthday and stuff but hey I'm a busy man, well I guess I am?
Oh and tomorrow I will be going to HMV in 313 with Jin Long, Mandy and maybe Vera, Murphy and Kelvin. Reason why cause DAVID CHOI will be there! He is awesome that's what I'm going to say about him. Check him up on YouTube! And on the Saturday will be meeting Seng Jie and the rest. Sunday family day. Don't know where will I be heading this time.
Busy week and exam is coming soon but I'm still slacking off! What should I do?! Don't really know what to do, kinda of lost in a way. Still in love with shopping, last Sunday my Dad spend $273 on me, I simply just love shopping. Now saving up money to buy a bag so I can just take it out and also the Lady GaGa heartbeat earpiece by Dr Dre. Going to broke again I guess? I get to wear my TopMan checked hoodie that my Dad got for me! Going to wear that to see DAVID CHOI! Hope I can get a photo with him!
Well that's all for now, just a little update of my plans and some past things that I did. Today I won't be saying what I quote cause today it is going be a quote by Eminem! "Money doesn't buy happiness, it buys crazy-ass happiness" - quote by Eminem
Not really truth but still funny! So long!~~~
Show By Fuck The World \m/ No 8:24 PM 0 Comment or DIE!
Monday, August 16, 2010
Call Me
Call me a sinner, call me a saint
Tell me it's over I'll still love you the same
Call me your favorite, call me the worst
Tell me it's over I don't want you to hurt
It's all that I can say. So, I'll be on my way
Show By Fuck The World \m/ No 4:44 PM 0 Comment or DIE!
Saturday, August 14, 2010
I Can't Decide
Who told you to leave me all alone?
Leave me in the dark
Leave me in the cold
Who told you to leave before I could show?
You half of the man you wanted to know
But I had to face your last goodbye
Show By Fuck The World \m/ No 11:42 PM 0 Comment or DIE!
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Oh My God~~~~
Hello hello, got a bad headache now! Oh god! Well at least I won't die? I guess so. It's prelim and it suck to the max it's boring and kind of waste time? My D&T is now all done, hand it up already! Feel so more relax now. Life is still boring as it is? Just hope N level come faster cause I don't want to stay at that school anymore. So many people trying to be somebody that they are not, so many time wasted. Well I just have to wait for 1 or 2 months more so I won't have to be a "nerd" at school and don't have to be "wild" out side. Just want to be wild 24/7 but this school is keeping me from doing it! Nothing much to blog about, oh I jailbreak my Ipod Touch Ios4, well still okay with it. That's all for today, will update when I feel boring. So long~~~~
And now I quote "My Evil Plan to Save the World"
Show By Fuck The World \m/ No 4:50 PM 0 Comment or DIE!
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Killing Your Self
Finally another day another post. Well today was my Chinese paper 1 & 2 prelim? Well kinda fuck up I guess? Yesterday was Darryl birthday! But we end up studying at Great World City Mac. But at least we did do out work? Well half of it, went meet Millie at BM inter then took 16 to tiong and Mandy got up the bus and it's off to Great World!
Ate first then study, Darryl then join us, JiaLing came after that. Kenneth join us after he went to gym. Study like nerd I guess? Still thinking why I did that in the first place. Suddenly there's something in my head so I ask the rest. Why do people like to pose middle finger when they are taking photo? Is it nice? Just don't get it. After that Sengjie and Kevin came to find us around 6plus? Cause they ITE had school so they had to go. Pass SengJie his Ipod Touch that I fix? Well, I enjoy hacking that's all. Joke like how we always do. Went to Spice for dinner, enjoy the food there! Awesome! (Y) Talk a lot like we never meet for a long time?
After that we went back to Great World for BEN & JERRY! Ice-Cream was awesome too! After that all of us went home. Took 139 with Darryl, Kenneth, Millie. Talk some crazy stuff about dreaming and your soul is leaving your body or something like that. One by one everyone leave and only Kenneth and me. And we started talking about other things like how our joke is planning out! Well the more she react to what we do the more jokes she become? Something like that, well I forgot ok? Well Kenneth did said something awesome which is, "She is already the joke between us and now she is making her-self into the joke between our joke" Wow sound so deep shit! Got home and is to watch my new love anime! "High School Of the Dead"! It's nice, you guys should check that out!
Just found out something that I like blogging but I don't do blog surf! Well I don't waste my time going to other people blog? The only people's blog is those that I link? Weird right? Think I'm crazy? Something weird keep happening, and I enjoy it. It's my life and my story. Gonna keep on playing my games! School suck to the max! Well it's the "Hungry Ghost Festival" should I still go out till it's late? Or should I be a good boy and go home early?
And now I quote "I'm just a outsider, viewing the world from my point of view"
Show By Fuck The World \m/ No 3:54 PM 0 Comment or DIE!
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Just As How We Plan
Hello! Back for a short post of my daily life I guess? Went out yesterday with SengJie and Kevin. They wanted to go shopping so I tap along. Went to town again, well they do sell awesome shirt that is better than those bugis "AhBeng" shirt. Walk around Plaza Sing then went to 313. SengJie and Kevin got what they wanted with some of my shopping tips? I guess?
Went to Vivo after that to look for shoes and also to meet Millie. We reach there first so we went to Vans for shoes saw what I want but I don't have money as I'm running low on cash(I'm kinda of broke till to shopping like always) then SengJie help me pay some of my Vans shoe first as he is getting one for him-self. Cause if we buy two there will be discount, so ya. Pay SengJie $40 first and now I owe him $31, hope I can get the money and pay him fast.^^ Kevin got another Vans shoe but is different type from what SengJie and me got.
After that Millie meet us and we went to watch a movie "The Sorcerer's Apprentice". Wow 2 movie in 2 day, my money is flying away faster than I thought. The movie start at 11.50 so we wen walking around and talk also don't forget jokes. Went to the movie and all I can say is the movie is not bad, well at least better than "Salt"? Well that's my point of view. After the movie we walk from vivo to some where around my house. Millie took cab first then SengJie and Kevin, I went home after that. Reach home about 2plus going 3? Use com and Skype with Millie, I love my new Vans shoe! So blue! So nice! So awesome! Well that's what I did yesterday.
Going to family BBQ later but going to Tiong with my parent first to make my new glassier as my old on broke. Dam it! and tomorrow will be going to Lan with KENNETH!, Murphy and JinLong. After Lan maybe will see if SengJie, Kevin or Mandy and the rest want to meet or not. The day after tomorrow is Darryl birthday! So kinda pack this few days, hope I have time for my-self.
Well there's a reason why I caps lock Kenneth name to KENNETH! I will leave it to you guys to think about it, after all those who went to K-Box with us on 6-August should know why. I know I'm not better than him but come on we are best friends and yet you say this type of shit? Well too bad cause I'm sure everyone is better than you, like always. Just to let you know, I'm will be coming for you if I hear this type of shit again. Don't you ever mass with me, there's a whole lot of sins going in my head so if you want to try it, then give me you best shot. Why am I posting this on my blog? Well I know you are reading my blog that's why! I can be more crazy than anyone!
And now I quote "Never mass with someone with a crazy mind set"
Show By Fuck The World \m/ No 3:35 PM 0 Comment or DIE!
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Walking To Inception
Hey there! It's been long since I blog? Well at least that's what I think? Another day in my boring life I guess? When out with friends today to K-box. Enjoy my-self, all of us sing like we never sing before! I enjoy it.
Well this time Sengjie and Stephanie Chan. The sad part is they don't have "Love the way you lie"! Well I still enjoy my-self after all. Hope to go out with them soon again to K-box! This time it will be my song! Went to town after that, walk around like we are lost but we are not?
Went to 313 for dinner after that is off to HMV for my album! I finally got my Avenged Sevenfold's new album! I'm so happy! After that we went to Cathay to catch a movie, watch Salt. Okay, the movie action part is not bad but the story line is so so. Not really that nice about the movie? Well it's a still can make it movie.
So after all I enjoy today with my friends.
And now I quote "Better than nothing, worst than something"
Show By Fuck The World \m/ No 12:51 AM 0 Comment or DIE!
Saturday, July 31, 2010
After 4 Years
Hello people! Well not really going to blog about daily life yet again, but hey I did blog about something right? Went out with two old friends today one which was Zheng Da, another was Hui Zhen. It's like well 4 years since we ever meet? We were in the same primary school and the same class in primary 6. Meet them at town for some window shopping and real shopping! All I can say is after 4 freaking years our bond is still so strong like primary 6? We never really did change at all, well kind of? Zheng Da still being the silly one, Hui Zhen still being the manly one and me? Still the nerd one in the group. Really enjoy today even if is for a short time only but hey we did meet up. I'm thinking what will happen to us again after 10 years? Will our bond still be strong? I can't be sure about that but just let time flow into our life and change what is needed
And now I quote "After 4 years our bond is still the same, never did change what is inside of us only our faces but not our bond"
Show By Fuck The World \m/ No 11:35 PM 0 Comment or DIE!
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
The World End With You
Hello! Just do a update post for now. Nothing awesome happen in my life at all but hey, I got to hack something right? Try to enjoy life as much as I can. Well school still suck to the max like it always did. On the friends side, well nothing much still? Kind of have a weird feeling when I'm around them. It's like I'm not good enough for them. Maybe that's truth? And finally on the family side, don't know what the hell happen but got into a quarreled with my Dad. Somehow he said I'm not wanted? Well fuck this shit, not going to keep giving you ways anymore! From now on no matter friends, family or whoever the fuck, I will not let them get climb onto my head! It's now or never! FUCK Bukit Merah! FUCK my family! and FUCK you!
Show By Fuck The World \m/ No 10:48 PM 0 Comment or DIE!
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Welcome To The Family
Hey just a quick review on the new album from Avenged Sevenfold. The album was great, a lot of deep meaning in all songs. That's what I like about Metal, Rock or Punk? They have lots of meaning in their songs unlike Pop or K-pop (Korean pop for short). Been asking my-self why I don't like those songs? I guess I found out why, Pop songs well most of them is about sex, drugs or gangs? I don't like it at all. And of cause K-pop, like just say most people who into K-pop is just for the looks of the singer? Not how well they sing nor how the lyrics mean at all! They don't understand what they are singing yet they still listen to it as like if know what the heck they are singing!
Maybe that's just me I guess? Well back to the point on Avenged Sevenfold's new album, the album is missing something even if I said it was great. What was missing was the drummer, The Rev. It's sad that he pass away and in this album was what he wanted to work on but never did had the chance. This album is not just for the fans out there but is also a tribute to The Rev! I'm going to end this post here, till next time, keep on rocking!
And now I quote "In a way it seems there's no-one to call, when our thoughts are so numb, and our feelings unsure" -This is also from their new song "Welcome To The Family"
Show By Fuck The World \m/ No 4:40 PM 0 Comment or DIE!
For The World For The World x2
Hello there! Yah, going to blog now. Well not really blog cause it's going to be a short post? Just an update on my life. School was great I guess? Nothing wrong at school but still studying yet so hard for me. Family all together not fighting at all which is good. Friends? Well I dare not say is good? Since there is people who LIE to me or friends that don't reply me text?
All that a side my life is pretty fuck up. My fingers still hurts from playing guitar which is a good start? Oh the movie "Incpetion" totally rock my socks off! The movie is a must watch to me! I love it and I feel like watch again who want to watch it with me?! Still fighting in life, trying my best for my N level? But I'm kinda happy today cause I got Avenged Sevenfold new album! Just downloaded it and it's fucking sick! I gonna get they album once it come out on HMV! Who ever buy the album for me right, I will love that person to the max! Thats all for today, trying to keep my blog alive as much as I can.
And now I quote "The tears we've cried, this love has died your by yourself here tonight"
Show By Fuck The World \m/ No 12:36 AM 0 Comment or DIE!
Sunday, July 18, 2010
The Past & Now
Hi! Just going to blog a short post. Oh a random stuff is that I got my guitar and it's kinda weird as I had namd my guitar Alisa! Yah is just so freaking weird. Back to the point, was kinda boring at home and there's nothing for me to do right now as I'm going out in the afternoon with my parent to take my new laptop from M1. So all I did was read all the past blog post I post one by one. What I found out surprise me. I found out that I was so kid back then, all those post was just plain silly. About love, life, school, friends and etc. Kinda weird if you think about it? I'm happy that I'm not like how I used to be, and I never want to be back into the same place again. I lucky to make new friends along the way, gain old friends, keep the same friends but sadly lost some friends along the way. But never give up on what you believe.
And now I quote "If you don't want to get hurt then don't hurt the people around you"
Never got my laptop from M1 today, went there with my parents and the guy said I can take my laptop on the 20 july start till 2 aug? So yah this is just a short update.
Show By Fuck The World \m/ No 10:59 AM 0 Comment or DIE!
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Stop joking and just keep on running
Not gonna blog about what I do or whatever bullshit you thinking of. Sorry if those words don't suit you guys but I'm kinda of piss off of my self. I told my self to study this year and yet I ran away from Social Studies mock test. I tried my best! I really did but I guess I need to push my self to the limit. You may think being me is just jokes all day but being me is hard, I want to change my ways. Never wanted all this to happen but it all did. My life change from bad to worst?
Yes I do have friends to back me up who support me but how long will this last? 1 year? 2 year? May be I should face the fact that it's time for me to put down this fuck up playful me and go to study mood? I don't even know why but all in my head is what I am going to do after N level but not about what am I going to do for N level.
How fuck up am I? I never really share the sad me to my friends cause since I was a kid I never let my family and friends get all sad around me so I learn to keep all the sad side of me to my self. I don't know will my friends even read this post or whatever butt fuck, I don't care anymore. I have great friends and I love them till I die. But will they understand my feeling? Keeping everything to my self is hard. Alone thinking about sad past hurts.
How I wish there is someone that really understand how I feel sometime but I guess that won't happen? This Raymond that joke everyday is just a mask and it's not the real me. I guess I really need to push my self to the limit. Time to wake up Raymond! No more playing!
Will see how tomorrow Social Studies turn out to be. Need to face the fact and face the punishment. So many sins I did in that school of mine.
I'm sorry to all those teachers that I even hurt, that I even disrespect. I'm sorry that I slept in your class, sorry for talking back to you teachers. I will change just give me time, I won't let you time teaching me go to waste. I know I'm not a good student and I regret not being one.
A lesson learn, a feeling burn.
And now I quote "Gonna change my ways, redo my sins... Hope tomorrow will be a better day for a new beginning"
Show By Fuck The World \m/ No 10:36 PM 0 Comment or DIE!
Sunday, July 11, 2010
16 things girls don't notice
before they go to sleep they always think about the girl they truly care about
2) Guys are more emotional then you think if they
loved you at one point it takes them a lot longer
then you think to let you go, and it hurts every second that they arent with you
3) Guys go crazy over a girl's smile ( :
4) A guy who likes you wants to be the only guy you talk to
5) Giving a guy a hanging message like "You know what uh...never mind....." would make him jump to a conclusion that is far from what you are
thinking and he'll assume he did something wrong and he'll
obsess about it trying to figure it out
6) If a guy tells you about his problems, he just needs someone to listen to him. you don't need to give advice
7) A usual act that proves that the guy likes you is when he teases you.
9) Guys use words like hot or cute to describe girls. They rarely use
beautiful or gorgeous. If a guy uses that, he loves you or likes you a
whole heck of a lot.
10) If the guy does something stupid in front of the girl,
he will think about it for the next couple days or until the next
time he spends time with you
11) When a guy looks at you for longer than a second, he's definitely thinking something
12)A guy would give the world to be able to read a girl's mind for a day
13)No guy can handle all his problems on his own He's just too stubborn to admit it
14)NOT ALL GUYS ARE RUDE! Just because ONE is RUDE doesn't mean he represents ALL of them
16) Even if you dump a guy months ago and he loved you he probably still does and if he had one wish it would be you to come back into his life
Show By Fuck The World \m/ No 4:45 PM 0 Comment or DIE!
Thursday, July 8, 2010
A Big Hug To My Best Friends
HEllO! Not going to blog about daily life today but I'm going to do something different. I'm going to blog about those friends that play a big part of my life. I know it sound gay? But I love all my best friends to the max! TAKE NOTE THAT THE PEOPLE IN THE FOLLOWING IS GOING BY HOW LONG I KNOW THEM.
This friend of mine is call Kenneth! I know him since we are in primary school and now we end up in the same secondary school and also not forget the same class. His is one of the friend who I will turn to, for some man-talks or heart to heart conversation if you guys like to put it that way.
Ya there is up and down between us in our cliques but hey we always talk though it. And guess what? We make it! He sometime will ask us to go his house and have some chat or play his ps3. He is a friend that I will never forget. He is one of the friends between all my best friends that I think have really grow up? But the main point is that he is always there when I have my fun time. Kenneth you rock! ^^This guy is call Seng Jie, how I know him was weird? I knew him when I was in NNC camp in secondary-1 when we are like sleeping!? Weird right? well we starting talking and all that but I never thought that he will be a friend that I know for 4 year plus and meet up if we can even we are in different school right now. Yes he may be gay at sometimes but that's just for jokes and laughter. Enjoy hanging out with him because we sometime we do have the same mindset? Well most of the time is he help me on some stuff or I helping him or some stuff. I remember when we play monster hunter together. It was great where I use hack in the game and help him and Kenneth in the game. What touch me the most is when he told me if I retain this year again then the will keep scold me every time we meet! Gosh that hard right? But hey I will try my best and never give up cause I have this friend who give me support ^^
Now this guy I got to say, his name is Darryl or nickname D.T (Darryl Tan for short). I know him when I'm in secondary-3 yes the secondary-3 before I retain. I know him when I was told by the teacher to sit beside him at the back of S.S lesson. Didn't really talk to him cause I don't know him that well at that time? Until don't know what happen as we are sitting at the back of the class, we start making fun of out classmate in the class! How evil can we be? Yes he is cute! Ya I know but he is the "gay" friend I have! I enjoy joking with him. He never fail to make me laugh at his action or jokes sometime. We are close friends now in secondary-4 and I like it. He always help me in my maths when I don't know how to hell to do it! Thanks dude for teaching me maths even when I keep on saying huh? ^^
His name is Kevin, I know him though Seng Jie. know him when I'm in secondary-3 yes it's 2008! Got to really know him when we all play monster hunter together. We keep on remaking some songs lyrics into some silly or dirty type of songs and end up laughing at it. We do have some man talks sometime if we get a chance and never fail joking around. But one thing yes one thing I don't like is that HE IS ALWAYS LATE! Never fail at all! hope he will change and one day won't be late at all! but hey still enjoy having him around. KEVIN LOW! DON'T BE LATE AGAIN OK? LIKE REALLY? PLEASE! ^^
And now finally a girl? Her name is Tse Lay, she is one of the best friend I had when I retain secondary-3. Well what can I say? We are brother and sister? We keep on joking about each other. I make fun of her love life sometime and sometime she make fun of mine too. Love going out with her cause we sometime keep talking about people who walk pass us? Yes sound evil but it's fun sometime. Going to D&T with her in the holiday was fun too, keep talking about crazy stuff or crazy shit in daily life. Yes we are at different class but we still contact each other. You this sister is crazy. A sister from different parent ^^
Another dude, his name is Kelvin, I know him last year when it's OBS camp? Well we didn't go so we have to go to west coast? We are in the same team so started talking and found out we both are freaking joker and we keep playing in west coast. He like playing maximum tune and always go play it. His a fun guy and hey joker plus joker is fun time all the time. He sometimes know what I thinking in my head even if I never say it out! We always laugh at each other jokes cause our jokes are always funny. Hmmm the funny thing that I remember he told me not long ago was his dream! And I was in it! How cool was that? Well right now we very less hang out together but I'm trying to find sometime for us so we can go out or something. Dude you have some crazy ass dream man ^^ Yes another girl, her name is Mandy. I know her wait not really know her like hi my name is Raymond that kind but I know her though Kelvin and we had nothing to do at that time and just right there's were new student from the other class came and join our class. So I ask Kelvin to give me one of their number to prank call and he gave me Mandy's number. So I call her and told her that I was someone else and blah blah blah but what shock me the most is that she know it was me! How weird is that? Well after that we get to talk in class all that and she a nice person but she is a K-POP FAN! Well I hate K-POP most of the time so I won't go though the whole K-POP stuff but we when out, and got to let her know Seng Jie and Kevin so is a win win for all of us. You are a K-POP freak ^^
Her name or his name is Millie, don't really know how I know her? We did talk but not those friends talk. I some how knew from though Mandy? It's just she suddenly call me asking where am I eating with Kenneth and the rest and thinking of meet us? Well after that we talk in M.T and found out that she starting hate me? Oh my god how can someone hate Raymond? I'm so cute right? Well back to the point. She enjoy shooting me and I don't really know why? She just evil I guess? Well outing and outing and end up being close friends still silly people like Seng Jie, Kevin and Mandy think that she like me or I like her? Well their guessing skill suck! We are just good friends that's all. You laugh like no tomorrow^^
Now now those are close friends that play a big part of my life and I enjoy having them around. It's fun like always. And now I quote "Why make enemy when you can make friends?"
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