Raymond's blog ver 3.0

This is my so call "new" blog as my old one is dead and boring skin is killing me from the inside out so yah I change everything into a more simple type of blog ^^ caues Simple Is Cool :D

My story

To everything in life there's two sides of the story and this is my side of the story, the side that I want to share also the side that I know.

Welcome to the diary of a man that lost his mind so long ago

This is us

The children of Adelphia

This is a new chapter now, let's write it together ♥

I belong to her and only her, Claudia Tan Shu Min 160311 1230 ♥

Monday, January 17, 2011

Friends? Oh Sorry, You Ain't One

Ah, another day another post. How's you guys lately? Well I'm feeling alright but my heart ain't in ITE now, just want it to end all the bloody shit now. But still, I can't fight fate right? I just have to let it be and see how far I can go and see what I can do or change.

Somehow, I'm lucky to have my friends around me to back me up. I know that I may not really have any friends in my new school and new class but I just don't feel like fitting in and I don't really want to pretend to be someone else just to fit in.

But even if I really make new friends, I will never ever neglect my old friends. Cause what I am now, is cause I have them. Without them I won't make it this far and still fighting.

Believe it or not, I start to pray again. I start believing in God once again, giving it one last time. Being who I was back then. And now that I'm back to the place when I started, I just keep on walking this road.

Being in ITE, I found out things that I should had known back then but I was to blind to see. And now, I will act like nothing happen but one day just one day the story and the lies will end. And the truth colour of you will be shown to not just me but to all the people around you.

Oh, and I found out today that there's a word call Togetherness! How cool was that! Now that word became how we call us, well not really but we just love the word! Now I have my family, Adelphia and those crazy people in Togetherness that make me full of joy each day. Fuck the rest, they the best!

And now I quote "Don't try to silence my words with your lies"

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