Hello people! Well not really going to blog about daily life yet again, but hey I did blog about something right? Went out with two old friends today one which was Zheng Da, another was Hui Zhen. It's like well 4 years since we ever meet? We were in the same primary school and the same class in primary 6. Meet them at town for some window shopping and real shopping! All I can say is after 4 freaking years our bond is still so strong like primary 6? We never really did change at all, well kind of? Zheng Da still being the silly one, Hui Zhen still being the manly one and me? Still the nerd one in the group. Really enjoy today even if is for a short time only but hey we did meet up. I'm thinking what will happen to us again after 10 years? Will our bond still be strong? I can't be sure about that but just let time flow into our life and change what is needed
And now I quote "After 4 years our bond is still the same, never did change what is inside of us only our faces but not our bond"
Saturday, July 31, 2010
After 4 Years
Show By Fuck The World \m/ No 11:35 PM 0 Comment or DIE!
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
The World End With You
Hello! Just do a update post for now. Nothing awesome happen in my life at all but hey, I got to hack something right? Try to enjoy life as much as I can. Well school still suck to the max like it always did. On the friends side, well nothing much still? Kind of have a weird feeling when I'm around them. It's like I'm not good enough for them. Maybe that's truth? And finally on the family side, don't know what the hell happen but got into a quarreled with my Dad. Somehow he said I'm not wanted? Well fuck this shit, not going to keep giving you ways anymore! From now on no matter friends, family or whoever the fuck, I will not let them get climb onto my head! It's now or never! FUCK Bukit Merah! FUCK my family! and FUCK you!
Show By Fuck The World \m/ No 10:48 PM 0 Comment or DIE!
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Welcome To The Family
Hey just a quick review on the new album from Avenged Sevenfold. The album was great, a lot of deep meaning in all songs. That's what I like about Metal, Rock or Punk? They have lots of meaning in their songs unlike Pop or K-pop (Korean pop for short). Been asking my-self why I don't like those songs? I guess I found out why, Pop songs well most of them is about sex, drugs or gangs? I don't like it at all. And of cause K-pop, like just say most people who into K-pop is just for the looks of the singer? Not how well they sing nor how the lyrics mean at all! They don't understand what they are singing yet they still listen to it as like if know what the heck they are singing!
Maybe that's just me I guess? Well back to the point on Avenged Sevenfold's new album, the album is missing something even if I said it was great. What was missing was the drummer, The Rev. It's sad that he pass away and in this album was what he wanted to work on but never did had the chance. This album is not just for the fans out there but is also a tribute to The Rev! I'm going to end this post here, till next time, keep on rocking!
And now I quote "In a way it seems there's no-one to call, when our thoughts are so numb, and our feelings unsure" -This is also from their new song "Welcome To The Family"
Show By Fuck The World \m/ No 4:40 PM 0 Comment or DIE!
For The World For The World x2
Hello there! Yah, going to blog now. Well not really blog cause it's going to be a short post? Just an update on my life. School was great I guess? Nothing wrong at school but still studying yet so hard for me. Family all together not fighting at all which is good. Friends? Well I dare not say is good? Since there is people who LIE to me or friends that don't reply me text?
All that a side my life is pretty fuck up. My fingers still hurts from playing guitar which is a good start? Oh the movie "Incpetion" totally rock my socks off! The movie is a must watch to me! I love it and I feel like watch again who want to watch it with me?! Still fighting in life, trying my best for my N level? But I'm kinda happy today cause I got Avenged Sevenfold new album! Just downloaded it and it's fucking sick! I gonna get they album once it come out on HMV! Who ever buy the album for me right, I will love that person to the max! Thats all for today, trying to keep my blog alive as much as I can.
And now I quote "The tears we've cried, this love has died your by yourself here tonight"
Show By Fuck The World \m/ No 12:36 AM 0 Comment or DIE!
Sunday, July 18, 2010
The Past & Now
Hi! Just going to blog a short post. Oh a random stuff is that I got my guitar and it's kinda weird as I had namd my guitar Alisa! Yah is just so freaking weird. Back to the point, was kinda boring at home and there's nothing for me to do right now as I'm going out in the afternoon with my parent to take my new laptop from M1. So all I did was read all the past blog post I post one by one. What I found out surprise me. I found out that I was so kid back then, all those post was just plain silly. About love, life, school, friends and etc. Kinda weird if you think about it? I'm happy that I'm not like how I used to be, and I never want to be back into the same place again. I lucky to make new friends along the way, gain old friends, keep the same friends but sadly lost some friends along the way. But never give up on what you believe.
And now I quote "If you don't want to get hurt then don't hurt the people around you"
Never got my laptop from M1 today, went there with my parents and the guy said I can take my laptop on the 20 july start till 2 aug? So yah this is just a short update.
Show By Fuck The World \m/ No 10:59 AM 0 Comment or DIE!
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Stop joking and just keep on running
Not gonna blog about what I do or whatever bullshit you thinking of. Sorry if those words don't suit you guys but I'm kinda of piss off of my self. I told my self to study this year and yet I ran away from Social Studies mock test. I tried my best! I really did but I guess I need to push my self to the limit. You may think being me is just jokes all day but being me is hard, I want to change my ways. Never wanted all this to happen but it all did. My life change from bad to worst?
Yes I do have friends to back me up who support me but how long will this last? 1 year? 2 year? May be I should face the fact that it's time for me to put down this fuck up playful me and go to study mood? I don't even know why but all in my head is what I am going to do after N level but not about what am I going to do for N level.
How fuck up am I? I never really share the sad me to my friends cause since I was a kid I never let my family and friends get all sad around me so I learn to keep all the sad side of me to my self. I don't know will my friends even read this post or whatever butt fuck, I don't care anymore. I have great friends and I love them till I die. But will they understand my feeling? Keeping everything to my self is hard. Alone thinking about sad past hurts.
How I wish there is someone that really understand how I feel sometime but I guess that won't happen? This Raymond that joke everyday is just a mask and it's not the real me. I guess I really need to push my self to the limit. Time to wake up Raymond! No more playing!
Will see how tomorrow Social Studies turn out to be. Need to face the fact and face the punishment. So many sins I did in that school of mine.
I'm sorry to all those teachers that I even hurt, that I even disrespect. I'm sorry that I slept in your class, sorry for talking back to you teachers. I will change just give me time, I won't let you time teaching me go to waste. I know I'm not a good student and I regret not being one.
A lesson learn, a feeling burn.
And now I quote "Gonna change my ways, redo my sins... Hope tomorrow will be a better day for a new beginning"
Show By Fuck The World \m/ No 10:36 PM 0 Comment or DIE!
Sunday, July 11, 2010
16 things girls don't notice
before they go to sleep they always think about the girl they truly care about
2) Guys are more emotional then you think if they
loved you at one point it takes them a lot longer
then you think to let you go, and it hurts every second that they arent with you
3) Guys go crazy over a girl's smile ( :
4) A guy who likes you wants to be the only guy you talk to
5) Giving a guy a hanging message like "You know what uh...never mind....." would make him jump to a conclusion that is far from what you are
thinking and he'll assume he did something wrong and he'll
obsess about it trying to figure it out
6) If a guy tells you about his problems, he just needs someone to listen to him. you don't need to give advice
7) A usual act that proves that the guy likes you is when he teases you.
9) Guys use words like hot or cute to describe girls. They rarely use
beautiful or gorgeous. If a guy uses that, he loves you or likes you a
whole heck of a lot.
10) If the guy does something stupid in front of the girl,
he will think about it for the next couple days or until the next
time he spends time with you
11) When a guy looks at you for longer than a second, he's definitely thinking something
12)A guy would give the world to be able to read a girl's mind for a day
13)No guy can handle all his problems on his own He's just too stubborn to admit it
14)NOT ALL GUYS ARE RUDE! Just because ONE is RUDE doesn't mean he represents ALL of them
16) Even if you dump a guy months ago and he loved you he probably still does and if he had one wish it would be you to come back into his life
Show By Fuck The World \m/ No 4:45 PM 0 Comment or DIE!
Thursday, July 8, 2010
A Big Hug To My Best Friends
HEllO! Not going to blog about daily life today but I'm going to do something different. I'm going to blog about those friends that play a big part of my life. I know it sound gay? But I love all my best friends to the max! TAKE NOTE THAT THE PEOPLE IN THE FOLLOWING IS GOING BY HOW LONG I KNOW THEM.
This friend of mine is call Kenneth! I know him since we are in primary school and now we end up in the same secondary school and also not forget the same class. His is one of the friend who I will turn to, for some man-talks or heart to heart conversation if you guys like to put it that way.
Ya there is up and down between us in our cliques but hey we always talk though it. And guess what? We make it! He sometime will ask us to go his house and have some chat or play his ps3. He is a friend that I will never forget. He is one of the friends between all my best friends that I think have really grow up? But the main point is that he is always there when I have my fun time. Kenneth you rock! ^^This guy is call Seng Jie, how I know him was weird? I knew him when I was in NNC camp in secondary-1 when we are like sleeping!? Weird right? well we starting talking and all that but I never thought that he will be a friend that I know for 4 year plus and meet up if we can even we are in different school right now. Yes he may be gay at sometimes but that's just for jokes and laughter. Enjoy hanging out with him because we sometime we do have the same mindset? Well most of the time is he help me on some stuff or I helping him or some stuff. I remember when we play monster hunter together. It was great where I use hack in the game and help him and Kenneth in the game. What touch me the most is when he told me if I retain this year again then the will keep scold me every time we meet! Gosh that hard right? But hey I will try my best and never give up cause I have this friend who give me support ^^
Now this guy I got to say, his name is Darryl or nickname D.T (Darryl Tan for short). I know him when I'm in secondary-3 yes the secondary-3 before I retain. I know him when I was told by the teacher to sit beside him at the back of S.S lesson. Didn't really talk to him cause I don't know him that well at that time? Until don't know what happen as we are sitting at the back of the class, we start making fun of out classmate in the class! How evil can we be? Yes he is cute! Ya I know but he is the "gay" friend I have! I enjoy joking with him. He never fail to make me laugh at his action or jokes sometime. We are close friends now in secondary-4 and I like it. He always help me in my maths when I don't know how to hell to do it! Thanks dude for teaching me maths even when I keep on saying huh? ^^
His name is Kevin, I know him though Seng Jie. know him when I'm in secondary-3 yes it's 2008! Got to really know him when we all play monster hunter together. We keep on remaking some songs lyrics into some silly or dirty type of songs and end up laughing at it. We do have some man talks sometime if we get a chance and never fail joking around. But one thing yes one thing I don't like is that HE IS ALWAYS LATE! Never fail at all! hope he will change and one day won't be late at all! but hey still enjoy having him around. KEVIN LOW! DON'T BE LATE AGAIN OK? LIKE REALLY? PLEASE! ^^
And now finally a girl? Her name is Tse Lay, she is one of the best friend I had when I retain secondary-3. Well what can I say? We are brother and sister? We keep on joking about each other. I make fun of her love life sometime and sometime she make fun of mine too. Love going out with her cause we sometime keep talking about people who walk pass us? Yes sound evil but it's fun sometime. Going to D&T with her in the holiday was fun too, keep talking about crazy stuff or crazy shit in daily life. Yes we are at different class but we still contact each other. You this sister is crazy. A sister from different parent ^^
Another dude, his name is Kelvin, I know him last year when it's OBS camp? Well we didn't go so we have to go to west coast? We are in the same team so started talking and found out we both are freaking joker and we keep playing in west coast. He like playing maximum tune and always go play it. His a fun guy and hey joker plus joker is fun time all the time. He sometimes know what I thinking in my head even if I never say it out! We always laugh at each other jokes cause our jokes are always funny. Hmmm the funny thing that I remember he told me not long ago was his dream! And I was in it! How cool was that? Well right now we very less hang out together but I'm trying to find sometime for us so we can go out or something. Dude you have some crazy ass dream man ^^ Yes another girl, her name is Mandy. I know her wait not really know her like hi my name is Raymond that kind but I know her though Kelvin and we had nothing to do at that time and just right there's were new student from the other class came and join our class. So I ask Kelvin to give me one of their number to prank call and he gave me Mandy's number. So I call her and told her that I was someone else and blah blah blah but what shock me the most is that she know it was me! How weird is that? Well after that we get to talk in class all that and she a nice person but she is a K-POP FAN! Well I hate K-POP most of the time so I won't go though the whole K-POP stuff but we when out, and got to let her know Seng Jie and Kevin so is a win win for all of us. You are a K-POP freak ^^
Her name or his name is Millie, don't really know how I know her? We did talk but not those friends talk. I some how knew from though Mandy? It's just she suddenly call me asking where am I eating with Kenneth and the rest and thinking of meet us? Well after that we talk in M.T and found out that she starting hate me? Oh my god how can someone hate Raymond? I'm so cute right? Well back to the point. She enjoy shooting me and I don't really know why? She just evil I guess? Well outing and outing and end up being close friends still silly people like Seng Jie, Kevin and Mandy think that she like me or I like her? Well their guessing skill suck! We are just good friends that's all. You laugh like no tomorrow^^
Now now those are close friends that play a big part of my life and I enjoy having them around. It's fun like always. And now I quote "Why make enemy when you can make friends?"
Show By Fuck The World \m/ No 7:16 PM 0 Comment or DIE!
Sunday, July 4, 2010
War With Music
Hello!~ It's been long since I had blog and here I'm blogging about my music production cause work I had in school for this week, so enjoy. ^^
Day 1:
Went to the music production cause work to have our first lesson? I was thinking about how will it turn bad or good? but later I found out how fun and how much I enjoy in the class, we learn how to cut a 8 minutes plus songs to a 4 minutes song. It was fun till the lesson ended =.=
Day 2:
Can't wait for the lesson after the first lesson, we learn how to mix loops into one song? I did mine and the teacher like it. I so happy to the max, after that I went to help Darryl with his mixes till the lesson end
Day 3:
This is the day where we mixes beats or loops into a song and we also need to come out with out own lyric to the song that we make, well everyone in my team went to do their own stuff so I have to do all the beats my self =.= but in this end they came back and help me ^^ we gt a song but ended dropping the song cause we think is too hard to have a lyrics for it? So I ask the teacher to help us some out with the song and we think of the lyric
Day 4:
We went to the studio with our song and lyric to record us singing to it? I have fun there. Enjoy my-self with my friends fooling around in the studio. Ya we sing till it's very off key but we don't really care cause not matter it's bad or not, we still learn a lot about the music production. After that we went back to school for some touch up on the song
Day 5:
The last day of our music production cause work lesson, sad to say but I love this lesson and will enjoy it if it's my CCA. Played our song, everyone include our team laugh out loud like no tomorrow. At the end there is some prize to give a way, I got 2nd place in my music production which is the "Top Creativity Award" I'm so happy to get the award, don't really care if it is 2nd place ^^ and after all it still have to end right? The thing ended and I will miss the music production cause work.
So there? that's what I did for this 5 days for school, so what did u you?
And now I quote "No matter how life hit you, always remember that there are friends out there to help you"
Oh and a short message to this person call DARRYL TAN!, dude no matter if we will still be in the same class or same school, we still can meet up right? Look at Seng Jie, Kevin and the rest? even if we are not in the same place, we can still find some free time to meet up. Always remember that I'm just a phone call away ^^
Show By Fuck The World \m/ No 10:07 PM 0 Comment or DIE!