2day was just a same day.....morri when to school talk to kok wee n kyme ming they all then darryl came then we go up hall to chat.i told him wat happen last sat about the car thingy wat-so-ever then we start making fun of the driver or something...after all the chatting thingy i went back to my class n sit there...after the Sg flat thing Mr.Satwant say he gt 2 thing that he wanna talking about then i head was thinkin this..."O shit must me the car thing i was last sat.omg was should do???"but end up nth happen...^^Safe~~~after all the heart beating event it was DnT.didnt really do much in DnT just draw some stuff the gt some drawing test(o shit hope i pass coz i dont wan waste another one more year)...after DnT was E.L...go to B.K lesson.dono need do compo about 250 to 400 words...i writt this Trapped In A Cave Of Wonder.i was thinking about indiana jones at that point so i just anyhow bomb lo.it about The Golden Claw's Of Matata in a place call Papalalei.dude dont ask me how i got the name.it just came out in to my head from no where.recess dear got H2O 4 me after that when up to maths.maths was boring.DONT UNDERSTAND A THING!then oon loke n we all stay to fool around.we like hate some of the fat ppl in our class so we make a groug call (Fears Asian Terminator) aka F.A.T hahaz fat lol start play around with the name.after maths was M.t then teacher gt angry on some of us.after m.t was pct but our m.t make me,kymeming,jinlong,oonloke stay dono tell us about the class thing the omg she cry OMFG!!!then talk talk talk then she took us to pct as she wanna tell B.K y make us stay then when i got in the class i say jinlong make our chinese teacher cry then every was like huh?jin long wat u do?y u make teacher cry?wat happen jin long?hahaz epic win hahaz after school when mac to meet ken after that dear come find me then talk then go home...gt alitt fight with dear.i'm sry ok.then gt home bath.on my laptop then on msn talk to jereme using video.talk about cozplay stuff and some dojo thingy then this friday we meeting then go out hahaz long time nv go out with him le hahaz old bubby mah hahaz.when to eat then start to blog found out the DEAR,branson blog set prvi and darryl del his blog?branson and darryl i can ask them at school or something but dear set i didnt even know it n was not told?WTF?4get it...i'm not tell u i friday go out untill friday on that day i will tell u HMMMM!!!!so now just blog find some funny video n song but nth was found...so that all 4 to 2day^^ That All Folks~~Raymond Out~~~~
Monday, April 27, 2009
Sunday, April 26, 2009
it happen so fast...
ytd was cip...on the way to hendenson cc i was runing very fast the a car came out from no where then almost bang on to me but i run very fast the driver open the window n oix me then i shout sry...moment ltr the drive stop near by the cc n hold me friend n ask my friend about my name n class n school...so i run down n told the guy i'm sry but he didnt really take it...then he ask 4 my full name...my friend alrealy tell the guy my real name,school,class...so i just ggive him my real full name then he say he going to complain me...then kyme ming was trying to help me or something then kyme ming tell the guy carpark cannot run meh?oso nv say cannot run.then the guy angry n ask 4 kyme ming name oso.(sry km to pull down the river)so after that i dono wat to do.then just go do cip...................................................................after cip.some of my friends wan play scocer then i c they play lo coz i not in the mood to play oso....i sit at the chair there then think alot thing...all the sins i had done....n so many feeling i hurt....n now there is no way i can go baack...sms dear...about wan happen n told her i wanna change....n i'm sry 4 hurting her feeling sometime....n now just hopeing n praying that everything will be ok.......
just hope all this was a dream...but it not that eazy to 4get....if only every1 n god 4give 4 the sins that i had done....i'm sry...i mean it....n i wanna change.....this time i will do it.....
Show By Fuck The World \m/ No 8:47 PM 0 Comment or DIE!
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Yet another day PLUS!!! LOCAL MUSIC OF THE WEEK!
ok 2day was ok wake up the dear come my house after that ken come do psp stuff n is off to bm~~~~dear when home after that i eat at mac then me n ken play patapon coz waiting 4 friend then go do cip at hendeson cc.friend was late then me n ken walk to the cc there then was too early then go to blk 93 there to meet the ppl 4 the cip thingy oya 2day pc bday HAPPY BDAY PC!!!!!too bad cant make it...so ask sheng jie help me say happy bday to pc on my b-half.thx^^.after that went back to the cc to do cip.do about 2,3 hours like that lo.if ok la not really that bad.the kids there was ok but some act like "gangster".but it still fun.after cip was raining so we have to stay at there but we cant wait 4 the rain to stop so we run under that rain hahaz was fun n ken almost fall down???went to eat then me n ken take taxi go home coz raining n somemore ken need go out with the mother.got home start to play PSP!!!play patapon hahaz was fun.play patapon 2 was eazy but dono y i find patapon 1 hard???may be it just me hahaz silly me^^

Info taken from "Live'n'Loaded"
One of the most inspiring bands in Singapore to date, Plain Sunset has come a long way since it's formation in 1996. Still embodying the punk energy that categorizes their music, their performances are energy charged, filled with catchy tunes and irreverent stage banter.
After releasing 3 full length albums and performing in countries like Malaysia, China, New Zealand, Hong Kong and the Philippines , the band went their separate ways in 2004 to pursue of their personal musical activities. However, their comeback in 2006 was warmly received at Esplanade's Baybeats 2006. Their comeback self titled album “PLAINSUNSET” on May 2008, not only marked their fourth career album and return, they also marks their first on a major label distribution (Universal Music Singapore).
Most recently, Plainsunset have made a stride into the world of commercial music, with 5 tracks from their upcoming album featured in Star World's HEROES Season 2 promotional campaign aired earlier this year.
Plain Sunset is:
Jonathan Chan (Vocals & Guitars)
Norsham Husaini (Guitars & backing vocals)
Nizam Sukri (Bass)
Ronny Laily (Drums)
so show ur suppot on this band.y i choose them as local music of the week?well they play nice song,they dont make u that u r listening to local music,u can dance by listening to their song,by listening to their song something u will feel like they r from usa or something^^but i like their song^^so guy [suppot music,suppot local,suppot SG] that all for now,raymond signing out~~~~
Show By Fuck The World \m/ No 9:14 PM 0 Comment or DIE!
Friday, April 3, 2009
Guess Whos Back!
Haha i'm back blogging with my NEW laptop>.< ya i know i say after Xmas then post but my deck stop cant post thing dono y that y i mia
ok here the thing i going on cosplay with ken they all.i gt the mask and i'm already making the sword 4 my cosplay but it not painted dono use wat colour good.cosplaying = naruto ANBU.n my psp change housing(try google to find out) n now the best thing.to make my blog new n fresh again i'm going to post so'me local(singapore) link.some rap some sing.i gt this thing in my head coz after watching "Live 'n' Loaded" i found out that singapore gt alot of talent n their song is very nice.so show ur support on our local talent the links is below my 'links' n on top of my tapbox.n most or may be all the links is myspace so may on may not need a acc to view it.sign up for myspace is free n getting to heard good music is oso free^^ hahaz oya this is the link of http://livenloaded.mediacorptv.sg/
their is some video u can watch but u need to download something to watch it.not sure everyone can watch it.min-year-exam is coming closer n so many thing happen at school this pass few month,u can make it in to a book or a movie about it.so many things to tell but yet so little time hahaz.so this is my post for now.i will be keeping a up date about our local talent.oya a news from our side singapore,blink-182 is coming but this summer.and Nintendo DSi is coming out in USA this month,may be coming to singapore soon^^.i will keep on some up date so guys feel free to tap on my tapbox^^so long n BB~~~~
[lives without music is like Lives without a soul
Show By Fuck The World \m/ No 8:23 PM 0 Comment or DIE!