Raymond's blog ver 3.0

This is my so call "new" blog as my old one is dead and boring skin is killing me from the inside out so yah I change everything into a more simple type of blog ^^ caues Simple Is Cool :D

My story

To everything in life there's two sides of the story and this is my side of the story, the side that I want to share also the side that I know.

Welcome to the diary of a man that lost his mind so long ago

This is us

The children of Adelphia

This is a new chapter now, let's write it together ♥

I belong to her and only her, Claudia Tan Shu Min 160311 1230 ♥

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Taking A Break

Hey, it's me again. Feel like blogging now and don't ask me why. As the title says, I'm taking a break. From what? I don't have a idea myself too, I'm just too tired of life I guess? Yes, I have a girlfriend but it sucks that there's not really any chance to meet her. Slowly I'm kinda of tired of trying to ask her out but my feelings for her is still strong no matter what. It's just that knowing that she can't meet me just pull me down into "Emo" mood.

Every time I log in to Facebook or Twitter, all I see is people life story but when will people start looking at mine? Understand my story, wear my fucking shoes and walk my road before you can start talking shit about me. Sometimes there's always people who like to see you sad, helpless and at your downfall.

Well fuck those haters who talk shit about me, friends? Don't call yourself that cause you ain't one. I had it, no more Mr Nice Guy. I'm giving a 100% into it, take me for granted and I will give you my cold blood. You are a fool that try to fit in my shoes! You know you can never be me nor can you replace me so why try?

I gonna take a break from this crap, take a break from fuck up feeling for me waiting to meet her. I love her but I guess waiting is my role as a boyfriend now. And also break from fake ass friends and haters. Haters gonna hate but they won't get no love cause they know no matter what I will still get up once again like how I always do.

Alright now this is me, taking a break. No idea how long will it takes? Maybe real fast or it will be long. No one knows, and not even me. Like what she told me before we were together, let times speak for itself.

And now I quote "Taking a break from life, having a vacation with death"

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