Raymond's blog ver 3.0

This is my so call "new" blog as my old one is dead and boring skin is killing me from the inside out so yah I change everything into a more simple type of blog ^^ caues Simple Is Cool :D

My story

To everything in life there's two sides of the story and this is my side of the story, the side that I want to share also the side that I know.

Welcome to the diary of a man that lost his mind so long ago

This is us

The children of Adelphia

This is a new chapter now, let's write it together ♥

I belong to her and only her, Claudia Tan Shu Min 160311 1230 ♥

Sunday, January 2, 2011

New year, new start

Hello everyone, it's 2011! Yes it's a new year and a lot things gonna come ahead of us. See the photo up there? I was with them on my new year eve and dam I got a hell load of fun. I enjoy myself and I hope they do too.

As the new year start, all of us will not have much time to meet up with each other and have fun. But still our friendship is will be strong, I will never throw away my friendships with them at all!

I love all of them and no matter what I will fight and don't give up. So what's my resolution? Well it's easy just to do real good for my ITE and go poly and lastly will always be with my family and friends. That's what I'm want now, nothing much.

So whatever happen in 2010 is the past, sad or happy that's just memories. Alright, I will end here, no quote today but something different.

We are all the same
We are strong together
We are the brotherhood
We are the children of Adelphia

Raymond, Lucas, Kevin, Kelvin , Clarence

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