Raymond's blog ver 3.0

This is my so call "new" blog as my old one is dead and boring skin is killing me from the inside out so yah I change everything into a more simple type of blog ^^ caues Simple Is Cool :D

My story

To everything in life there's two sides of the story and this is my side of the story, the side that I want to share also the side that I know.

Welcome to the diary of a man that lost his mind so long ago

This is us

The children of Adelphia

This is a new chapter now, let's write it together ♥

I belong to her and only her, Claudia Tan Shu Min 160311 1230 ♥

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Drunk Over Love

Hey guys! Finally, it's another update on my freaking blog! And yes that photo you are seeing now is from my prom night! Which I enjoy a lot! But too bad that I sprained my freaking ankle which hurt like a bitch now! But in the end, I still have all my friends around me and I really had fun last night.

I love it when it turn into clubbing at the end of the prom and everyone just start dancing like crazy. I did try to join everyone but till to my ankle, I can't do a shit but stand and watch everyone. But lucky Millie let me play with her DSLR which her rent and also what I enjoy! Took a lot photos, well not me alright!

Today, was going to meet Kevin & co for his belated birthday but till to my ankle I can't make it. Really wish I was there, dam I'm a clumsy ass. Oh ya one more thing, guess what?! I know her answer already, she say her feeling is just friends and tell me to give up? Well I don't know what to do anymore, just gonna like time pass by I guess? Last update, I love to say this word "Buttslut" I don't know how I come out with it but I like calling people Buttslut! Gosh I don't know what happen to me. Did I change? Well I don't know really. Okay guess I will end my post here, love you guys!

And now I quote "This is goodbye since I'm nothing in your eyes"

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