Raymond's blog ver 3.0

This is my so call "new" blog as my old one is dead and boring skin is killing me from the inside out so yah I change everything into a more simple type of blog ^^ caues Simple Is Cool :D

My story

To everything in life there's two sides of the story and this is my side of the story, the side that I want to share also the side that I know.

Welcome to the diary of a man that lost his mind so long ago

This is us

The children of Adelphia

This is a new chapter now, let's write it together ♥

I belong to her and only her, Claudia Tan Shu Min 160311 1230 ♥

Saturday, July 31, 2010

After 4 Years

Hello people! Well not really going to blog about daily life yet again, but hey I did blog about something right? Went out with two old friends today one which was Zheng Da, another was Hui Zhen. It's like well 4 years since we ever meet? We were in the same primary school and the same class in primary 6. Meet them at town for some window shopping and real shopping! All I can say is after 4 freaking years our bond is still so strong like primary 6? We never really did change at all, well kind of? Zheng Da still being the silly one, Hui Zhen still being the manly one and me? Still the nerd one in the group. Really enjoy today even if is for a short time only but hey we did meet up. I'm thinking what will happen to us again after 10 years? Will our bond still be strong? I can't be sure about that but just let time flow into our life and change what is needed

And now I quote "After 4 years our bond is still the same, never did change what is inside of us only our faces but not our bond"

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